Hi… Below is a code snip for reading a db and assigning it into a variable via mysqli_fetch_array. I can check the sql result $loginResult and it has record values. But when I do a mysqli_fetch_array into $loginMember that returns a NULL. I can’t quite figure out why. Any hints on what I should try?
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM {$dbinfo[pre]}members
WHERE email = '{$wpUserEmail}'
$loginResult = mysqli_query($db,$sql);
$loginRows = mysqli_num_rows($loginResult); // Rows from query
if($loginRows) {
**// I can check $loginResult at this point and it has record values**
$loginMember = mysqli_fetch_array($loginResult);
**// $loginMember returns NULL**
Here’s the entire code block… I removed other code to simplify it and it still shows NULL for $loginMember (line 57 >> $loginMember = mysqli_fetch_array($loginResult)
function myStartSession() {
if(!session_id()) {
define('BASE_PATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/store'); // Define the base path where PhotoStore is located.
define('INIT_SMARTY',false); // Use Smarty
add_action('init', 'myStartSession');
function photoStoreLoginGet() {
global $userdata;
$userRoles= wp_get_current_user()->roles;
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
$wpUserEmail = wp_get_current_user()->user_email;
if ( !($_SESSION['loggedIn'] == 1 and $wpUserEmail == $_SESSION['photoStore']['email'])
or ($wpUserEmail == $_SESSION['photoStore']['email'] and $_SESSION['photoStore']['verified'] == null)){
if (function_exists('photoStoreLogin')) {
add_action('wp_loaded', 'photoStoreLoginGet');
function photoStoreLogin($wpUserEmail) {
require_once BASE_PATH.'/assets/includes/initialize.wp.php';
$setCurrency = new currencySetup;
$activeCurrencies = $setCurrency->getActiveCurrencies();
* Include manager language file
if(file_exists(BASE_PATH."/assets/languages/" . $config['settings']['lang_file_mgr'] . "/lang.manager.php"))
include(BASE_PATH."/assets/languages/" . $config['settings']['lang_file_mgr'] . "/lang.manager.php");
* Check login details for login
$_SESSION['photoStore']['email'] = $wpUserEmail;
$_SESSION['loggedIn'] = 0;
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM {$dbinfo[pre]}members
WHERE email = '{$wpUserEmail}'
$loginResult = mysqli_query($db,$sql);
$loginRows = mysqli_num_rows($loginResult); // Rows from query
if($loginRows) {
// d($loginResult); Debug shows array values for $loginResults here
$loginMember = mysqli_fetch_array($loginResult);
// d($loginMember); Debug shows NULL for $loginMember here
catch(Exception $e) {
$_SESSION['photoStore']['verified'] = null; // The session assign/login failed. Set to null so it can be tried again
} else {
$_SESSION['photoStore']['verified'] = 3; // 'no recored'
if($db) mysqli_close($db); // Close any database connections
if you only uncomment the second of your calls to d() (the one that d’s $loginMember), do you still get Null? what happens if you just flat out print_r($loginMember) instead?
I’m concerned about your comments on those lines - mysql_results cant be natively converted to strings, and if d() is iterating the result set to output the debug messages, then fetch_array will find nothing, because the set has already been iterated through by d() and exhausted the result.
BRILLIANT! Thank you so much @m_hutley. I just couldn’t figure that one out, but you nailed it. I never would have imagined doing a debug dump on the sql result would push the pointer.
Out of curiosity, would there be a better way of doing the sqli fetch that wouldn’t be interfered with by a debug?
You’ve already done it.
The num_rows call validates the size of the result without pushing a pointer, and you can debug the result set during the useful iteration of a set by examining the result of each iteration.
So, lets take a more generic case that would have more than 1 row (LIMIT 1 guarantees thats not the case in this instance).
Validation of the size of the result set is governed by num_rows;
Validation of the data in each result of the result set would be handled by examining the output in situ - something to the tune of…
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result) {
//Do other things with $row.
Note that playing with $row has no bearing on our result set - the pointer is only advanced by fetching the next result in the set, and $row is a local array copy of that data.