.HTCACCESS Reject User Agents

Hi, I have a wordpress site. I was using a caching plugin (W3TC) but it started to cause my problems so I disabled it. I still want to leverage browser caching so I included this in my .htcaccess:

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/jpg "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType image/gif "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType image/png "access 1 year"
ExpiresByType text/css "access 1 month"
ExpiresByType application/pdf "access 1 month"
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "access 1 month"
ExpiresByType application/javascript "access 1 month"
ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash "access 1 month"
ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access 1 year"
ExpiresDefault "access 2 days"

The code works fine on desktop,but causes problems on mobile. In my caching plugin that i have since abandoned, I was able to get rid of the problem by rejecting user agents: android, ipad, iphone. Is it possible to reject these user agents from caching in my .htcaccess? Thank you!

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