I’m redirecting a site from an old platform to another. It’s got 300-400 pages and all the pages have different names.
It’s learn.example.com (old platform) to courses.example.com (new platform)
So I’ve put in some 301s at the beginning of the .htaccess file of the most important pages, for example:
Redirect 301 /courses-overview/ http://courses.example.com/courses
But at the end I need a catch-all to redirect any other page not previously specified as a 301 like learn.example.com/whatever to courses.example.com to catch any of the other 300-400 pages that don’t exist in the .htaccess file now.
Is that possible?
I’ve tried
RedirectMatch ^/.*$ http://courses.robcubbon.com/
at the end of the .htaccess but it overrides the specific 301s