Yesterday a mentor of mine recommended some resources on this site and when I signed up we both noticed something really cool and we asked ourselves how this effect was achieved:
As he often does he’ll let me figure it out by myself first. This is a screenshot of an SVG image inside a div and it is halfway on top and centered on this div. I used the inspector to find more about it but could not quite find what was it that did it.
Thank you! I missed that one detail. I’m starting to learn flexbox.
I was going to ask you to analyze with me the image with the inspect tool because when I first looked at it I didn’t see any flexbox being used, or anything that made sense to me to position the image in that way but the problem is I cannot find a way to reach that page again…unless we made a new account to land in the same page lol.
There are other ways to centre things, display: table-cell allows vertical centring. For something simple like an image in a box, just a padding/margin surround could work.
The parent div does have {display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; }.
Nothing special is done to the image other than giving it z-index: 1; to keep it on top of the following paragraph.
The paragraph (with teal background colour) has:padding-top: 64px; position: relative; bottom: 64px;
Setting the bottom moves the p up 64px from where it would have normally been positioned in the document. The padding-top makes the content of the p (the text) move back down 64px from its top.
I read your response real quick and only paid attention to the align-items: center, then I tried doing everything by myself from scratch and still couldn’t achieve the same effect UNTIL I checked everything line by line and found out the main difference: I was applying the background color to the Div and the effect was being done by the background color of the paragraph with the margin top of 64px.
Amazing thing. It would have never occurred to me to do it that way. Another cool thing I just realized about that approach is that since the Div has the same dimensions I won’t have to worry about unexpected layout behavior
Thanks a ton for the lesson and please say thanks to @mrlagmer from my part if you see him.
I think it’s how the question was interpreted. It is not always clear from just an image what the OP it trying to achieve. I thought this was about centring an element within the div, which has been a common question in css for a long time.
Of course it needs some relative positioning to shift the element from its original position in the flow and break out of the box, as Brad explained.
It doesn’t use flex for the actual positioning but here’s mine.
<div class="c-box">
<img src="" alt="Computer Cartoon" class="c-box__img"/>
<p class="c-box__text">Almost there! Tell us a bit about yourself so we can tailor your SitePoint experience.</p>
Better late than never… a no-flex, no-calc, impressively adaptable solution. Test the behavior by zooming the text size larger and smaller. Also, change the .box width using px and using percent.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
<title>"HowTo" this display 5</title>
<style type="text/css">
html {
*,*::after,*::before {
box-sizing: inherit;
body {
.box {
width:230px; /* treated as min-width */
margin:16px auto;
img {
margin:0 auto -22%;
p {
background-color: #72dfe1;
padding:25% 1em 1em;
<div class="box">
<img src="" alt="Computer Cartoon">
<p>Almost there! Tell us a bit about yourself so we can tailor your SitePoint experience.</p>