How to solve this null check problem?

Hi there
I am getting this response in REST web services
“{“userName":“ExampleName”,“userMob”:“8789878908”,“userCategory”:“HR”,“userDept”:“null”,“userSubDept”:“null”,“userEmail”:"”,“userImage”:“E:/My Projects/College Management System/Registerd Users Images/Employee/Example Name.jpg”}”

And I am processing this JavaScript like this

                    $("#userDept").text(" ");
                    $("#userSubDept").text(" ");
                    $("#userImage").attr('src',"http://localhost:8089/CollegeManagementSystem   /displayimage?imagePath="+data.userImage);
                    console.log("User Image is:"+data.userImage);
<div id="left_block" style="float: left;">
Name:<label id="userName">Name is Here</label><br>
Mob:<label id="userMob">Mobile Number is Here</label><br>
Email:<label id="userEmail">Email is Here</label><br>
Category:<label id="userCategory">Ctegory is Here</label><br>
Dept:<label id="userDept">Department is Here</label><br>
Sub Dept:<label id="userSubDept">Sub Dept is Here</label>

<div id="right_block" style="float: right;">
<img src="" alt="Image is Here" width="70%" id="userImage"></img>

my Intention is to if some value is null in REST web services then set that field to " " rather then showing null infront of them

How can I acheive this?


You can also check if it is null.

if(!data.userDept || data.userDept === 'null') {



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