How to secure your databases


I have been practicing PHP and MySQL for a few days now and while I’m learning new things, more questions arrive every day, but luckily there are awesome people like you that know a lot and like to share their knowledge (what would I do without this forum).

  1. I was wondering how safe are databases created with MySQL and PHP or databases in general?
  2. How safe is the information residing in a database?
  3. What are the first steps I should follow to secure the information residing in a database?
  4. Can someone list the most common security issues?

Sorry if my questions don’t make too much sense but as I said I’m completely new.

Thank you all very much for your replies.



  1. no safer nor less safe than in any other platform
  2. not 100% safe, but pretty close
  3. use secure passwords
  4. SQL injection is the number one problem
