How To Rank Site Fast Please Suggest

hello every one of this community!
i want to rank this website and please please guide me on the right direction to rank 1.5 year old site. i will be very thank full.
i want to rank this on make money online keywork.

Hi @makemoneyfree, and welcome to the forums.

If you are new to SEO, then I highly recommend Google’s “Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide”. This will explain all the basics and get you off to the best start.

You might also want to have a look around the Marketing forum, as we have had many threads asking about the best ways to promote a site, or gain good search engine rankings. (Look for the most recent ones; SEO techniques have changed over the years, and outdated techniques may do more harm than good.)

But the most important factor for any site is high quality, unique content, so I’d put most of your efforts into that.

you can’t rank fast. you can build backlink to rank on first page on google and fix your blog on page seo

Backlinks alone will not ensure you a high ranking. You need high quality, unique content for that.

[quote=“techshiny, post:3, topic:218830”]
fix your blog on page seo
[/quote]Please explain what you mean by that. We get very many newbies in these forums, who need detailed help, rather than a list of things to do.

Please take time to read the topic before posting. It has already been explained that link building, in itself, will not rank a site.

[quote=“AndersonMorn, post:5, topic:218830”]
Its a best way to generate more traffic on site.
[/quote]This may be true, but it doesn’t answer the question, which is about ranking the site, not increasing its traffic.

The OP asked about ranking a site fast. Link building is not fast, it can take some considerable time. In fact, if it happens too quickly, it may be seen as suspicious and incur a penalty.

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