How to Optimize My WordPress Website

Currently, my websites 1ketoan and Topa are experiencing the issue of “Eliminate render-blocking resources,” which is causing the websites to have a low performance score. Could you suggest some solutions to help me resolve this issue?


inb4 obvious “Eliminate the resources that are blocking the render.”


Have you checked this guide yet? It can give you some ideas

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Hello, welcome to this forum ! I suggest to instal this extension :
You can checks every downloaded sources such as pictures, CSS and JS and find out witch one cause a low performance score, Light house generates a report on how well the page performs.


By compressing images, using a lightweight theme, minimizing HTTP requests, leveraging browser caching, and optimizing database queries manually, you can improve WordPress speed.

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As the OP has never returned, there seems little point in reviving the thread now.

Thanks to those who contributed.

Thread closed.

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