How to motivate developers and provide them comfortable working conditions?

I am dealing with the topic of factors that motivate developers and make them feel good at their job. And with frustrations that make them work less efficient. I would like to get overview of conditions that unlock and block the potential of employees. My aim is to distribute the knowledge among managers for better practices. I hope you will help me, and I will be able to help you too :slight_smile: I promise it is 5 minute questionnaire.

Welcome to the forums, @katarzynawolska43.

Can you tell us a little more about why you are undertaking this research? Is it for a school or college course?

Would you be able to share the results of the survey on the forum afterwards?

You’ll appreciate that a request to complete an off-site survey doesn’t really add much value to the forums in itself, but if you can use it to start an informed discussion, that’s all to the good.

Of course - I will clarify.
There are some ideas of how to maintain team motivation, but they are often individual opinions based on personal experience.
Managers become increasingly aware of how work conditions influence results, but they don’t know specific factors they should focus on.

I would like to examine developers to check what is most important for them to achieve more.

I would like to to make some valuable piece o knowledge and spread results among managers.
For better managing, for change that will benefit performance.
I can share results will all of you :slight_smile:

You really should have an introduction in the survey itself. Your first question has no context whatsoever:

Rate motivational factors with scale from 1 to 5. (where 1 is weak motivator and 5 is strong motivator).

What does it mean, rate motivational factors?

When we get to Q2 you have:

Rate factors that demotivates you with scale from 1 to 5. (where 1 is factor that doesn’t demotivates you and 5 is factor that demotivates you very much)

which is much more explicit. Does this therefore mean that Q1 is about what motivates me? Cos it doesn’t say that. It doesn’t even imply that.

Hey @Gandalf thank You for your advice!
I admit scale is a bit complicated because rating 5 in Q1 means - factor that motivates me very much
and with Q2 it means it demotivates me very much

so the scale has logic, but you should not combine the questions.
Logic is: 1 is the weakest factor, 5 is the strongest factor

With questions I don’t see much possibilities of changing the structure.
With explanation before survey - definitely I will add it! :slight_smile:

You could use the same wording on Q1 that you use on Q2 changing demotivates to motivates. That would be soooo much clearer.

Hm again - try to not focus so much on combining Q1 and Q2, look at them separately plz.
I differentiate a bit because:
1 means weakest and 5 means the strongest in both
with motivators 5 means something that motivates
and with demotivating factors 5 means something that demotivates very much
So these are two separate poles on a scale.

It is hard to find ideal solution in that situation.
Because DEmotivates has 1 negation. Adding more is like maths :wink:

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