How to loop while array_unique in pdo

anyone can solve my problem
i have table like this
-menu_name (news | tips | reviews)

-sub_name (phone, tablet, laptop…)

i mean if i code in html it look like this

$field = "`tbl_menu`.`menu_name` , `tbl_sub_menu`.`sub_name`";
$table = "`tbl_menu` ,`tbl_sub_menu` WHERE `tbl_sub_menu`.`menu_id`= `tbl_menu`.`menu_id`";
 while ($row = $statement-&gt;fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
 	echo $row['menu_name']."|".$row['sub_name']."&lt;br /&gt;";
echo "&lt;hr&gt;";
$row = $statement-&gt;fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$a = array_unique($row);
echo "&lt;pre&gt;";
echo "&lt;hr&gt;&lt;br /&gt;";

i want to use array_unique() because the database it duplicated result so any way to solve this problem.

I guess the “duplicated result” is the menu name?
You could do it like this

// put the query results in a 2-dimensional array
$menuArray = array();
while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  $menuArray[$row['menu_name']][] =  $row['sub_name'];

// let's dump the array to see what's in it

// let's loop through the array and display the results
foreach ($menuArray as $mainmenu => $submenuArray) {
  echo $mainmenu . '<br />';
  foreach ($submenuArray as $submenu) {
    echo $submenu . '<br />';

Dear Guido,
You’re awesome honestly i’m not good at array :slight_smile: now it work perfectly that what i wanted.
Thank so much Guido i would give you gold medal you save my life

Dear Guido

$field = "`tbl_menu`.`menu_name` , `tbl_sub_menu`.`sub_name`,`tbl_sub_menu`.`sub_id`";
$table = "`tbl_menu` ,`tbl_sub_menu` WHERE `tbl_sub_menu`.`menu_id`= `tbl_menu`.`menu_id`";	
	$menuArray = array();
	while ($row = $statement-&gt;fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
		$menuArray[$row['menu_name']=&gt;$row['menu_id']][] =  $row['sub_name'];
	echo '&lt;div id="menu"&gt;';
	echo '&lt;ul id="nav"&gt;';
	foreach ($menuArray as $mainmenu =&gt; $submenuArray) {
        foreach ($mainmenu as $url){
	echo '&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href="'.$url.'"&gt;'.$mainmenu.'&lt;/a&gt;&lt;ul&gt;';
	foreach ($submenuArray as $submenu) {
		echo '&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href="'.$url.'"&gt;'.$submenu . '&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;';
	echo '&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/li&gt;';
echo '&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/div&gt;';

the variable $url is not working because i want to verify each sub menu have an unique menu id easy to calling the right article i know it gonna have 1 more problem when pass 2 parameter into <a href=“article.php?menu_id=$row[‘menu_id’]&sub_id=$row[sub_id]”>$row[‘sub_name’]</a>
any good way better then this??


Sorry, I’ve no idea what you are trying to do. I do see that you made some changes to my code that won’t work (as far as I can tell).

sorry guido now i found the solution thanks for your take time to reply

You might be able to group up your results and purge redundant values at query time.

Try this…


And yes, that’s legal - using bitwise or to set multiple PDO fetch style flags on the same fetchAll call.