How to locate Iframe DIV id find and Hide

I am trying to get to see if a specific label id HTML is ‘*gender’ is visible and if it is hide another ID located on the parent to the iframe.

Please advise:

Here is my snippet of code.

            var TabLink = ($('#registerIframeArtist').contents().find('#jsnamemsg').html() == '*Gender');

Hi there,

Could you give us a clue as to what HTML goes with that code.
Have a look at this to find out how to make an example we can reproduce your issue with.

Tried Several ways:

				var TabLink =  joms.jQuery(this).contents().find("#jsnamemsg").html();
				var getStyle = TabLink.match("visibility: hidden");
    			 if(joms.jQuery(getStyle == "visibility: hidden")) {
				 else {

I have placed alerts on getStyle, comes back with “NULL”…

I am lost

Hi there,

Did you read the post I linked to? :slight_smile:
We cannot help you without being able to reproduce your issue, either via a link to a web page or by you posting sufficient code (as outlined here).