how to you hide/show layers - on a button click?
how to you hide/show layers - on a button click?
you cant hide / show entire layers as far as i know
you can either use the _visible command on individual movieclips on a layer
you could create a layer immediately above the one you want to hide, place a rectangle movieclip on the stage the same size as the stage and the same colour as the stage, set it to invisible “this._visible = false;”
and then on the button click set it to visible therefore hiding any layers beneath it
on(release){ = true;
how about making their alpha=0??
is it ok?
that should work too but the symbols will still be on the stage, just hidden
Since this is not a scripting language like JavaScript or VBScript, you can’t show/hide layers. To achieve that effect, either you use showing different frames, coupled with actions like gotoAndPlay() & stop() or you use MovieClips & show/hide them using either _alpha property or _visible property of them.
You could try putting all of the items on each layer that you want to show/hide in their own movie clip. Then you could control them through each movie clip’s _visible property.
I was woundering… Ive tried several methods and this one is the best that I came up with for flash buttons.
There has to be better code out there? My probblem is Ive gotten the button to stay down when you click on it, but if you move your cursor over another button, the “down” state (per say) goes away and wont come back. Give it a try and youll see. Any way to get flash to bring it back to the down state after rolling over the other numbers?