How to Fix 404 error? The page never existed on my website


I want to know what to do with the url that i never ever heard of. Google webmater tool sent me the url in crawling error,but i dont know from where that url came from.

I am adding the reported url here: <snip>

All replies will be highly appreciated.


If the URL is not meant to exist, as you say, and Google can’t find it (confirming it doesn’t exist) then I don’t think you have a problem. Someone, somewhere, has a malformed link to your site, and there’s not a lot you can do about it. If it bothers you, I believe there’s an option in GWT to tell Google to ignore a particular URL, but whether you can tell it to ignore a non-existent URL, I don’t know. :slight_smile:

If you suddenly started getting a lot of these reports for a whole host of non-existent links, that might be a cause for concern, but one? I don’t think so.

I have 185 such URL’s and Google is not able to crawl my website.

Do you have a sitemap? Could it be that there are errors there which are causing problems?

Are you saying that Google is unable to crawl your site at all, or just that it’s reporting it cannot crawl these 185 URLs?

Yes i have a sitemap,cant find any error there.These 185 URL’s i get from GWT crawl error as Not Found errors.Google is crawling my website but crawlers find difficulty in crawling if site has alot of 404 errors.

Are you sure these malformed URLs are not originating within your site? Provided the internal links on your site are correct, Google should not encounter difficulty in crawling the site.

There are tools which will crawl your site for you and check for broken links. The one I use is gURL, but it’s only available for Linux. I’m sure there will be others available for other platforms.

Use Google Webmaster Dis awaow tool

The disavow tool is for low-quality, Spammy links pointing to your site. It has nothing to do with broken or non-existent links.

You can look where that invalid link coming from and delete or fix that url in your website. 404 errors can also happen when you misconfigure your site.

Just click on fix in the WMT section. It will be permanently removed if no such url existed.