How to dynamically add anchor tag using javascript?


I need to add acnhor tag dynamically using javascript. I have achived this using following code, but there is little prioblem.

 function addURL(token){
  	   var tableObject = document.getElementById("tableConfirmationsToAttach");
	   var rowCount = tableObject.rows.length;
	   var row = tableObject.insertRow(rowCount);  	

	  var cell2 = row.insertCell(0);
	   cell1 = document.createElement("<td class='footnote'>");
	  //cell1.innerHTML = "<a href='"javascript:launchANewWindow(" + "'" + token + "' " + ", "  + "'" + "document" + "')" + "' >"+ token +"</a>";
	  cell1.innerHTML = "<a href='"+ token +"' >"+ token +"</a>";


if I use a codeline like

  cell1.innerHTML = "<a href='"+ token +"' >"+ token +"</a>";

Evrything works fine, but I need to set a fucntion call (having 2 paramters)
in href, something like below

 cell1.innerHTML = "<a href='"javascript:launchANewWindow(" + "'" + token + "' " + ", "  + "'" + "document" + "')" + "' >"+ token +"</a>";

but this doesn’t work :frowning:

Can anybody here, help me with this ?

thanks in Advance.

You chose to go the innerHTML way (rather than createElement and appendChild/insertBefore), which is an option, but putting javascript syntax in the HREF is really bad practice…

What you want to do is give your anchor an id, then use addEventListener/attachEvent to attach a function to your click event. For example:
cell1.innerHTML = ‘<a id=“myAnchor”>’+ token +‘</a>’;
if(typeof document.addEventListener != ‘undefined’) {
document.getElementById(‘myAnchor’).addEventListener(‘click’, function() {
}, false);
else {
document.getElementById(‘myAnchor’).attachEvent(‘onclick’, function() {