I saw few websites where if you just visit the web page the content is getting shared automatically in your facebook page ( you should have accessed the app once). This can turn a huge traffic from FB. I would like to create such an app for my site also. does any body know how to do it. If you have found any tutorial regarding this please share. thanks.
What you’re looking for is Facebook’s Open Graph which, when authorized, can post to a user’s timeline through “frictionless” sharing. The is not to post without the user’s involvement however but many have skirted that line frustrating users and leading to poor response rates and as a result Facebook responded last week with an announced set of changes. The biggest shift seems to be in requiring apps that share only through “consumption” [rather than action] to use built in actions which, as lets facebook aggregate, filter and suppress down what doesn’t perform.
Simply put sharing should be tied to intent. Unless it’s extremely obvious that you will share on view, and worthwhile, you’re not going to survive the user.
Maybe it would be help to