How to convert IMG src to JQuery?

Hi guys,

I am using cloudinary for image optimization i have found a great JQuery plugin which detects automatically the size of the browser and resizes the image for me it works perfectly when i do it like this.

 <div class="slide">
<img data-src=",dpr_auto,c_limit/v1437395843/browser-1.png" class="cld-responsive" alt="Browser #1">

but now i want to add the class “cld-responsive” and add the “data-src” using JQuery.

		jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
			var images;

			if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) {
				images = [
			} else {
				images = [

			$("#banner").backstretch(images, {
				duration: 3500,
				fade: 750

Can somebody tell me how i can solve this? or fix it?


I can’t see your Code so not sure if this will work but…


As for adding the data-src you could do something like:

      $(this).attr('data-src','your data-src information');

Hi man,

I have tried adding it… nothing happens:

can you please take a look at my code?? this is my URL.

This is what i have tried:

		jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
			var images;

			if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) {
				images = [
			} else {
				images = [

			$("#banner").backstretch(images, {
				duration: 3500,
				fade: 750

It’s not adding the class… can you please take a look?


Well you only added:


You can check in firebug/devtools the class has been added to each of the images.

Edit: just looked at source and you’ll have to change the target to ‘.slick-slide’ or something to target the images but I’m not actually sure what your asking as the images both have data-src+class tags already.

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