I would like to convert my websites to Android or iphone apps. Is there any easy method or Sites which convert website to apps. I am not a techy guy i don’t know either java or flash. so any tip would be helpful.
Well… if it is nothing more than a simple static site or blog I doubt it would do any good to convert it to a a native application. I get the feeling though that is what it is. In that case it would probably be more purposeful and appreciated by your audience to merely make it “mobile friendly” than create android and iphone native apps.
My site is in Joomla 1.5 , i am planning to create app for my site where i add latest movies every single day. As 20% of the internet users are now using it cell phones it would be better if i could i create an app and deliver my content to user cell phones.
PhoneGap will allow you to convert a html application.
However ColdFusion is a serverside generated HTML and thus cant be converted using PhoneGap unless the entire application is html with ajax calls to ColdFusion for the data.
I dont know of any technologies that will allow you to convert a server generated html type language to a native app, I dont believe one exists.
Converting a Joomla website to a native application isn’t going to happen without much work involved unless you settle for using something like Phonegap.
A direct copy of a site as an app will likely get rejected by apple as it’s against their guidelines.
There are two ways to convert your website for iPhone/Android. Either you can develop native application for iPhone/Android application. By native application we mean, the application will be developed using supported programming language and will run on device OS.User can download the application from their respective application selling market.It has benefit over look and feel of the application and performance of the application.
The other way is to make existing application to mobile compatible i.e mobile web application. It will run on server and user can access the site on device browser.
As mentioned above, you cannot simply convert it to a native app. PhoneGap can be used for writing html and javascript to generate that to native platforms. But as you said, you are not that techy. So I would suggest you outsource this to someone that can do it for you. But then you will also need a web service for the app to communicate with
I hope this one help you
Simply create a mobile mark-up of your site and have it redirect users who are using mobile devices. I’m guessing you’re site isn’t built up for @media queries and I believe that would be the easiest way to do it. People don’t like downloading apps when the information is posted right on a site!
You might try www.mobilejoomla.com and setup your site for mobile devices.
just go to joners-inventor.appspot.com and download the software and create websites or apps for android . This offer is made from Google itself . No codding is required
Perhaps your best bet is to create a mobile version of your pages. Then people would browse those pages on their mobile phones and the other pages on their desktops. I notice that Wordpress blogs display differently (more user-friendly) on mobile devices now without extra work on the blogger’s end. So that’s another route you can go if your site can be converted in that way.
But you cannot convert your site into a native iPhone app for iTunes. That is against Apple’s guidelines. That is simply out of the question.