How To Check Whether An Html Element Or Plain Text Exists On A Page Or Not


Imagine you want to only provide your download link to those who tweet about you. Now, how would you code it ?
Let’s make it simple for you to understand.
Let’s say you want to write a php script that checks if a certain html element (eg. name=username) or plain text exists or not.
If it exists then to give you an alert “TRUE”; Else alert: FALSE.

In this example, you want the script to check this page:

And you want it to check if the following text (exact match) exists or not:
“I’d like to put forward an Idea”

How would you code it ? Can we see 2-3 examples ?
I’d be grateful if you can show another example for a fuzzy match. Eg:

  • like to put forward *

This is an interesting topic. Base the boolean around what exists or not on a page.
Curious to see what the code would look like and php is capable of doing it in how many lines of code.


Try downloading the web page contents using file_get_contents();, apply htmlspecialchars() and or strip_tags() and find if the searc string exists using str_pos();.

For a small fee I will do all the scripting :slight_smile:


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