How to change image continuous in a web page in program?

Hello Friends,
I am learning Asp.Net. I wana to create a web page where image change automatically so tell me how to do this?

What do you mean by the image changing automatically? We going to need some more info to help you

Where do you want your image to be changed ?
What image to you want to change ?
What are the time intervals you want your image changed?
How many images do you want in your website ?

Given the little bit that the OP has revealed, this does sound like a job more suited to JavaScript.

I wana to say that I want to create a Slider in this picture change automatically. Can u help me ?

I wana to say that I want to create a Slider in this picture change automatically. Can u help me ?

I don’t really catch your drift man, you know what I’m saying ? You need to be more precise on this one.

Sounds like you want something like jQuery Cycle or perhaps bxSlider.