How to assign different static values to different variables

I’m trying to learn JavaScript on my own and am using a Dashcode example (if anybody uses Dashcode, the example is the “Browser” web application template that is shown when Dashcode opens).

Briefly, the JavaScript generates a list of “Locations” in the USA:

// Sample data.  Some applications may have static data like this, but most will want to use information fetched remotely via XMLHttpRequest.
var parks = [
    { name: "Acadia", location: "Maine, USA" }, 
    { name: "Bryce Canyon", location: "Utah, USA" }, 
    { name: "Carlsbad Caverns ", location: "New Mexico, USA" },

Clicking on any of these locations takes you to a separate page that states the same text for each location (last line of code below):

"The scenery in “Location” is amazing this time of the year.

// When the park is set, this controller also updates the DOM for the detail page appropriately.  As you customize the design for the detail page, you will want to extend this code to make sure that the correct information is populated into the detail UI.
        var detailTitle = document.getElementById('detailTitle');
        detailTitle.innerHTML =;
        var detailLocation = document.getElementById('detailLocation');
        detailLocation.innerHTML = this._park.location;
        var detailDescription = document.getElementById('detailDescription');
        detailDescription.innerHTML = "The scenery in " + + " is amazing this time of year!";

I want to retain the layout and structure but, depending on the “Location” have different text for each of the new pages (not "the scenery is amazing etc).

Would someone please get me going on how to achieve this, please? I do not know where to start. If someone could supply me with the code that would work, I would be very grateful.

Many thanks.

Thank you so much - you are a star and now, hopefully, I can get to grips with the rest!

Thank you very much again. Worked perfectly!

hi, sorry my mistake

detailDescription.innerHTML = this._park.text;

add another variable in your data as shown below

var parks = [
    { name: "Acadia", location: "Maine, USA", text: 'New text' },
    { name: "Bryce Canyon", location: "Utah, USA", text: 'Second text text' },
    { name: "Carlsbad Caverns ", location: "New Mexico, USA", , text: 'What what what' },

and change javascript

var detailDescription = document.getElementById('detailDescription');
        detailDescription.innerHTML = this.text; 

I hope this helps

Thank you very much for your helpful reply … except.

Except I copied and pasted your amendments, ran the script and the display of the text that I entered was “undefined”

Do I have to declare that “text” is a variable somewhere?

To save wasting your (and anyone else’s) time, here is the script as it is now.

 This file was generated by Dashcode.  
 You may edit this file to customize your widget or web page 
 according to the license.txt file included in the project.

var listController = {
    // This object acts as a controller for the list UI.
    // It implements the dataSource methods for the list.
    numberOfRows: function() {
        // The List calls this dataSource method to find out how many rows should be in the list.
        return parks.length;
    prepareRow: function(rowElement, rowIndex, templateElements) {
        // The List calls this dataSource method for every row.  templateElements contains references to all elements inside the template that have an id. We use it to fill in the text of the rowTitle element.
        if (templateElements.rowTitle) {
            templateElements.rowTitle.innerText = parks[rowIndex].name;

        // We also assign an onclick handler that will cause the browser to go to the detail page.
        var self = this;
        var handler = function() {
            var park = parks[rowIndex];
            var browser = document.getElementById('browser').object;
            // The Browser's goForward method is used to make the browser push down to a new level.  Going back to previous levels is handled automatically.
        rowElement.onclick = handler;

var detailController = {
    // This object acts as a controller for the detail UI.
    setPark: function(park) {
        this._park = park;
        this._representedObject =;
        // When the park is set, this controller also updates the DOM for the detail page appropriately.  As you customize the design for the detail page, you will want to extend this code to make sure that the correct information is populated into the detail UI.
        var detailTitle = document.getElementById('detailTitle');
        detailTitle.innerHTML =;
        var detailLocation = document.getElementById('detailLocation');
        detailLocation.innerHTML = this._park.location;
        var detailDescription = document.getElementById('detailDescription');
        detailDescription.innerHTML = this.text;

// Function: load()
// Called by HTML body element's onload event when the web application is ready to start
function load()

// Sample data.  Some applications may have static data like this, but most will want to use information fetched remotely via XMLHttpRequest.
var parks = [
    { name: "Acadia", location: "Maine, USA", text: "first text"}, 
    { name: "Bryce Canyon", location: "Utah, USA", text: "first text"}, 
    { name: "Carlsbad Caverns ", location: "New Mexico, USA", text: "second text"}, 
    { name: "Cuyahoga Valley", location: "Ohio, USA", text: "third text"}, 
    { name: "Death Valley", location: "California, USA", text: "fourth text"}, 
    { name: "Denali Preserve", location: "Alaska, USA", text: "fifth text"}, 
    { name: "Grand Canyon", location: "Arizona, USA", text: "sixth text"}, 
    { name: "Haleakala", location: "Hawaii, USA", text: "seventh text"}, 
    { name: "Joshua Tree", location: "California, USA", text: "eighth text"}

Many thanks