How to apply red color font to specific column for dynamic data?

I work on angular 7 app I need to apply red color font to specific column

but i dont know how to do that ?

I show data dynamically meaning no fixed column or data and code below working without any issue

my main thing i need is if column name=‘onlineurl’ make font color to red

my code as below data source on ts as below :

this._displayreport.GetReportDetailsPaging(this.searchData).subscribe((data: any[]) => {  

       this.reportdetailslist = data;  

       this.headerCols = Object.keys(data[0]);  

       data.forEach((item) =>{  
         let values = Object.keys(item).map((key)=> item[key]).filter(item =>item != data[0].totalCount)  




to get header without data i do as below :

<thead style="width: max-content">    
           <th  *ngFor="let coln of headerCols">    
             <ng-container *ngIf="coln != 'totalCount'">    



to get content data without header i do

<tr *ngFor="let rep of contentBody">    

                <td *ngFor="let r1 of rep"><span>{{r1}}</span></td>    


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