I am using easySlider 1.7 jQuery plugin for add a SlideShow to [URL=“http://panjohaft.com”]my Designed Website.
this plugin has a auto option that we can start slides on page load by setting it to true value. but when we click on a relative navigation button for go to a slide, slideShow do’n move slides automatically no longer. i want to add a capability So that when user enter to slideShow section all Slides stop and then start on mouse out event
it is a piece of My Slideshow Code:
<section id="slideShow">
<div id="slider">
<li><a href="#"><img src="timthumb.php?src=uploads/4406f06c590a7a7bb6ab60f36653c7419b8bbfbd.jpg&w=730&h=410"></a></li>
<li><a href="#"><img src="timthumb.php?src=uploads/6a56ff2601034e783c4f7cab9a5f0fed6896dcbd.jpg&w=730&h=410"></a></li>
And this is my jQuery Code to initialize the plugin
auto: true,
continuous: true,
numeric: true,
speed: 600,
prevId: "prevBtn",
nextId: "nextBtn"
What do I need. is there any solution?