How to Add Country List to a WordPress Plugin

Hi Guys,

I have a plugin and would like to add a country list for the select country field. Here is the plugin code:



 * Plugin Name: Crowdfunding by Astoundify - Custom Fields

 * Plugin URI:

 * Description: An example plugin for adding custom fields to the Crowdfunding submission form.

 * Author:      Astoundify

 * Author URI:

 * Version:     1.0


// Exit if accessed directly

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;

class Astoundify_Crowdfunding_Fields {


	 * @var $instance


	private static $instance;


	 * Make sure only one instance is only running.


	 * @since Custom Fields for Crowdfunding 1.0


	 * @param void

	 * @return object $instance The one true class instance.


	public static function instance() {

		if ( ! isset ( self::$instance ) ) {

			self::$instance = new self;


		return self::$instance;



	 * Start things up.


	 * @since Custom Fields for Crowdfunding 1.0


	 * @param void

	 * @return void


	public function __construct() {





	 * Set some smart defaults to class variables.


	 * @since Custom Fields for Crowdfunding 1.0


	 * @param void

	 * @return void


	private function setup_globals() {

		$this->file         = __FILE__;


		$this->basename     = plugin_basename( $this->file );

		$this->plugin_dir   = plugin_dir_path( $this->file );

		$this->plugin_url   = plugin_dir_url ( $this->file );



	 * Hooks and filters.


	 * We need to hook into a couple of things:

	 * 1. Output fields on frontend, and save.

	 * 2. Output fields on backend, and save.


	 * @since Custom Fields for Crowdfunding 1.0


	 * @param void

	 * @return void


	private function setup_actions() {


		 * Filter the default fields that ship with Crowdfunding.

		 * The `form_fields` method is what we use to add our own custom fields.


		add_filter( 'atcf_shortcode_submit_fields', array( $this, 'form_fields' ) );


		 * When Crowdfunding is saving all of the default field data, we need to also

		 * save our custom fields.


		 * If using a simple text field, or value that can be saved directly, the item

		 * will be saved automatically. Otherwise, you need to hook into the save action

		 * and perform your own processing and saving.


		 * Example:


		 * Where `subtitle` is the key of the field added to the fields array.


		 * The callback has four parameters: $key, $field, $campaign, $fields


		add_action( 'atcf_shortcode_submit_save_field_subtitle', array( $this, 'submit_save_field_subtitle' ), 10, 4 );


		 * Load the saved data for this field.

		 * Can do some fancy stuff, but will most likely just be retreiving our saved meta value.


		add_filter( 'atcf_shortcode_submit_saved_data_subtitle', array( $this, 'saved_data_subtitle' ), 10, 3 );


		 * Output the field in the Campaign metabox.


		add_action( 'atcf_metabox_campaign_info_after', array( $this, 'admin_submit_output' ) );


		 * Make sure our meta is saved if updated via the admin panel.


		add_filter( 'edd_metabox_fields_save', array( $this, 'admin_submit_save_field_subtitle' ) );



	 * Add fields to the submission form.


	 * Currently the fields must fall between two sections: "job" or "company". Until

	 * WP Job Manager filters the data that passes to the registration template, these are the

	 * only two sections we can manipulate.


	 * You may use a custom field type, but you will then need to filter the `job_manager_locate_template`

	 * to search in `/templates/form-fields/$type-field.php` in your theme or plugin.


	 * @since Custom Fields for Crowdfunding 1.0


	 * @param array $fields The existing fields

	 * @return array $fields The modified fields


	function form_fields( $fields ) {

		$fields[ 'subtitle' ] = array(

			'label'       => 'Select Country',       // The label for the field

			'type'        => 'select',           // text, radio, checkbox, select

			'placeholder' => null,             // Placeholder value

			'default'     => null,             // Default Value

			'required'    => true,             // If the field is required to submit the form

			'editable'    => true,             // If it should appear on the edit screen

			'priority'    => 40                // Where should the field appear based on the others



		 * Repeat this for any additional fields.


		return $fields;



	 * Save callback, if custom processing is needed.


	 * @since Custom Fields for Crowdfunding 1.0


	 * @param string $key

	 * @param array $field

	 * @param int $campaign

	 * @param array $fields

	 * @return void


	function submit_save_field_subtitle( $key, $field, $campaign, $fields ) {

		$value = sanitize_text_field( $field[ 'value' ] );


		 * Do something else with the data potentially...


		update_post_meta( $campaign, 'campaign_subtitle', $value );



	 * Subtitle saved data.


	 * @since Custom Fields for Crowdfunding 1.0


	 * @param null $data

	 * @param string $key

	 * @param object $campaign

	 * @return void


	function saved_data_subtitle( $data, $key, $campaign ) {


		 * Potentially do something more intensive, like getting term values, etc


		// Grab the meta

		$subtitle = $campaign->__get( 'campaign_subtitle' );

		return $subtitle;



	 * Subtitle field on the backend.


	 * @since Custom Fields for Crowdfunding 1.0


	 * @param object $campaign

	 * @return void


	function admin_submit_output( $campaign ) {

		$subtitle = $campaign->__get( 'campaign_subtitle' );



			<label for="campaign_subtitle"><strong><?php _e( 'Subtitle' ); ?></strong></label><br />

			<input type="text" name="campaign_subtitle" id="campaign_subtitle" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $subtitle ); ?>" class="regular-text" />





	 * Save subtitle key on the backend.


	 * @since Custom Fields for Crowdfunding 1.0


	 * @param array $fields

	 * @return array $fields


	function admin_submit_save_field_subtitle( $fields ) {

		$fields[] = 'campaign_subtitle';

		return $fields;



add_action( 'init', array( 'Astoundify_Crowdfunding_Fields', 'instance' ) );

I added this code and didn’t work:

<select name="country" class="mid2" id="country" style="width:150px;">
    <option value="US" <?php selected('US', $userdata->country);?>>USA</option>
    <option value="ES" <?php selected('ES', $userdata->country);?>>Spain</option>
    <option value="FR" <?php selected('FR', $userdata->country);?>>France</option>

I would like to be able to select countries.


Create the variable $country and when it is posted you can now determine which country was selected.
Why don’t you do something like this:

       <?php  $country= $_POST['country']; ?>
    <form method="post" action="">
<select name="country">
<option value="USA" selected>United States</option>
<option value="Afghanistan">Afghanistan</option>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>