I am 16 and starting college…
I get £10 hour for perl programming, maintaining sites on a cobalt raq3 server, setting up search engines submissions with adweb and looking after the computer network (only 5 computers at the moment).
I am 16 and starting college…
I get £10 hour for perl programming, maintaining sites on a cobalt raq3 server, setting up search engines submissions with adweb and looking after the computer network (only 5 computers at the moment).
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=“1” face=“Verdana, Arial”>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Owen:
[b]Or get exact results: (snip)
I’m not sure what the difference between webdesigner 1, 2, and 3 is though…
Hope this helps,
Owen, I looked at the description of each of the web designer fields (1, 2, &3) and it looks as though 1 requires little or no creative talent, very supervised, told exactly what to do- doesn’t use any of his/her own ideas.
2- 3 yrs. experience, A little bit of lattitude, use of some of your experience and knowledge in determining how everything will go. General knowledge of the main parts of the industry.
3- Must have ~ 4 years experience, allows a lot of lattitude and use of your own creativity, knowledge and judgement instead of just being told what to do. You should have a very good knowledge of most of the industry and are expected to do complex tasks.
Hope this clears things up
I dont do this to make money. I offer all of my services for free, or at the very most, the cost of the registration of a program if i end up having to buy a program to do it. I end up losing money in the long run do to server costs and such, but I enjoy doing it, and to me that is all that matters.
All of a sudden I dont feel so well off.
$100,000 a year is about ~ £60000?
I earn £5,000 - £7,000
but I do get free hosting (only raq3 though )
i will show the guy i work for this thread…
[Edited by anti_alias on 08-28-2000 at 06:34 PM]