How many keywords can i use on my site?

i used 4-5 keywords what about you?

It is also an one kind of Black Hat SEO technique , which is called Keyword Stuffing… Definitely, it will not good for you…It may hurt your website soon…

i think try to optimize 2 or 3 keyword on a page and describe your page simple don’t spam that will hurt your rank.

It’s mainly a personal gripe of mine of people not really understanding the Long Tail theory. I’ve read the book and originating article a number of times, along with many academic rebuttals as a part of my time studying a MSc in Machine Learnng.

I’ve known a lot of people advocate and practice the idea of “long tails” in SEO, where for a relatively small site one would find a bunch of keyword phrases that have little competition and get a small to medium amount of search and try to rank #1 for all of them using small, tailored pages for every phrase.

The idea is taken from a trend noticed on the Internet, mainly in music sales to illustrate the point, that the least-frequently occurring 80% of songs are more profitable as a proportion of the total number of songs available. Naturally, no music shop could hold every song, but the likes of Amazon can sell millions of different albums and music at the top of the charts sell considerably less than those underneath. On the subject of music, Last.FM have released a bunch of interesting figures and papers for those boring enough (like myself) to read through them.

Anyway, naturally, setting up a thousand pages on a fifty page site to rank for loads of small searches isn’t as effective as it may sound. The nature of SEO means that people will follow these principle, despite there being a number of researched articles and papers suggesting that the Long Tail theory isn’t applicable everywhere. My current employer does something similar on a large site to the same ridiculous scale and Google Analytics states quite clearly that a huge chunk of our traffic comes from several popular searches.

I guess the point I was trying to make was that, yes, the advice is great, but it’s similar advice to what people receive when they hear about long-tails in SEO, and people often take it too far when they want to rank for every search term under the sun.

Using your keywords in your keyword Meta tag is not as important as it once was. For example you will find that many top sites in Alta-Vista don’t use Meta tags, they index the entire page and determine ranking. Be careful not to use keywords that are NOT to be found on your page. Use your main keyword in 3-6 phrases. The search engines will remove pages that overuse a keyword. You may use several spellings and in combination in other phrases.

Use keyword phrases someone might actually type in. Sometimes a common misspelling of a keyword will get you more traffic than the correct spelling because there are fewer people that spell a word incorrectly, Incorrect spelling has been very helpful to me. Use common incorrect spellings in the keyword section and use as many derivatives of the same word as possible. You may also use connecting words like “how-to” that may be typed in the search engines, however don’t over-do it as many search engines ignore many common words, "a, the, and, etc.