How is page opened

I have a 2 page whit names: default1.aspx and default2.aspx
for go to default2: in default1.aspx i use the fancybox and use this code:

$(“a#inline”).fancybox({ ‘hideOnContentClick’: false , ‘scrolling’: ‘no’, ‘titleShow’: false, ‘type’: ‘iframe’, });
goto default2
when i click the “goto default2” the default2 shown as a pop up page.
but when user right click on “goto default2” and select New Tab, The default2 opened in normal mode in new page.
I want:
if (default2.aspx opened bay fancybox) then default2.panel1.visible=false
if (default2.aspx opened in normal mode) then default2.panel1.visible=true
How i do?
Please Help me,