How do you avoid aliasing?


look at this page.

login: fer
password: m
Note: after logging you are redirected to another page. Then click on the link i mention.

As you can see there is a typical icon to go to the first page of a paged list. It is a png image with transparency and it has its original size.As you can see also it is a bit aliased…

¿Is there anyway to avoid that aliasing?



I tried to follow your instructions but got to a page and have no idea what you’re talking about :slight_smile:

Any chance you can just take a screenshot and post it up?

What PNG format was the image saved in? PNG-24 applies Anti-Aliasing while PNG-8 does not. When exporting to PNG-8 from Save to Web in Photoshop you also have the option of choosing a transparency dither (pattern diffusion, noise diffusion, etc.), maybe one of those options will help.