How do increase Page loading speed of website

I am working on 1 website promotion. But all the Website checker tools it gets error on Page loading speed. I don’t know the reasone of this error. Please sugget me, How to improve page laoding speed. This website is Please find the reasone and suggest me improvements.

Less than a full second load for me. Your site suffers from several things, not least of which being stretching those pictures wide enough that they look distorted and poor quality, while basically looking like a PC store sales paper from the 90’s.

If you actually ran a website checker over this site, it should have raised 2 404’s and a bad data resource URL to you as well. You should probably fix that first.

Here are top 5 easy steps for improve page loading spped.

!. Compress and optimize your images. …
2. Reduce your redirects. …
3. Cache your web pages. …
4. Enable browser caching. …
5. Use asynchronous and defer loading for your CSS and JavaScript files.

Using a tool like Page Speed Insights should highlight some of the issues that are specific to your site.
Work through the points flagged in red and amber.

compress image and optimize it then convert to webp on compressorjpg up to 20 images in bulk