Does anyone know how to remove the email box from Wordpress comments and also maybe add a captcha in the process?
Does anyone know how to remove the email box from Wordpress comments and also maybe add a captcha in the process?
It depends on what theme you’re using, but most likely the HTML for the email input is in comments.php
<div class="form-input">
<input id="email" name="email"
class="text<?php if ($req) echo ' required'; ?>"
type="text" value="<?php echo $comment_author_email ?>"
size="30" maxlength="50" tabindex="4" />
You could comment out the label/input mark-up <!-- –>
As for CAPTCHA, try one of the plugins. I don’t use CAPTCHA for my blog, so I can’t recommend one, but I imagine any found in the WordPress plugin directory will work.
Hey thanks for the reply Mittineague,
The only problem I am concerned with is when it says that the email is mandatory, will this create a problem?
I really just want it to maybe have a line for a name, or anonymous name.
Yes, that would be a problem if you had your “Discussion Settings” “Comment author must fill out name and e-mail” checked. Otherwise AFAIK it would work OK without the email input.
cool, thanks I didn’t know that was there
Something like the following should work:
<input id="email" name="email"
type="hidden" value="" />
Basically you would be specifying a random (invisible) email address for every user. That way an email address would always be specified but the user wouldn’t need to add it themselves.
cool, that’s a good idea ryan. Thanks.
I found the options box that Mittineague was talking about, and now I have updated the email part to read (optional) and it has seemed to work so far.