How do I create a Player for a Podcast using RSS Feed?

I am building a website using html, css and bootstrap for my podcast, my problem is that I want to put a player of the podcast in the hero image part of the website so people can come and listen to my podcast at the moment of entering into the website. I want the player to use the RSS Feed of my podcast to always update the player with the latest episode, I hace been trying to look for a solution for that but I have found anything. I made an account here on stack overflow to reach some expert on this field to help me with this problem. I will attach some pictures of the design to illustrate my problem much better:

I just need it to play the podcast and get updated every time I upload a new episode.

I put my code of what I have until now to see if is of help to resolve this. Thanks you all!

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We probably need to know more about the source of the feed to make this happen.

On a side note, look at validating your HTML code, there are a few obvious errors I spotted looking through the page.


Hello, thanks for response I really appreciate it! by asking the source you mean the RSS Feed link right? Well here is it if is of any help. Btw I will check the code on the link you send thanks for that!

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