How do I create a loading page

Whenever I load my website / load pages etc I would like to add some decent loading page, how can I make it go to a loading page?


What do you mean by a “loading page”? To me, the phrase conjures up something that displays while the content I actually want to see is loading, but on any normal site, your pages should be loading fast enough to render that unnecessary. Perhaps I’ve misunderstood what you have in mind.

Oh nevermind then, is there any chance of choosing the first page I would like to show the visitor up?
Like I would like the faq.html page show up first etc?

The first page your visitors usually see is index.htm or index.html

… so if you want the FAQs page as your home page, rename it index.html (or whatever extension you’re using). But you do need to bear in mind that people will not necessarily arrive at your site on that page; they could follow a link or a bookmark to any page.

Yeah I know, wasn’t interested of making FAQ page as the first page, just wondering how to make the first page to be visible, thanks.

So you want people to view the FAQs first, no matter how they arrive at the site? Presumably that would only be on the first visit?

You could probably do that with some kind of pop-up, but that would require scripting. If you could specify exactly what you want, in what circumstances, it might be easier to offer suggestions.

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I’m confused.

I guess you could use SESSION to redirect to the FAQ page.
And you could have the logo link to FAQ instead of Home.

Or you could use htaccess to send all “not site” referer requests to FAQ

But those seem poor things to do IMHO

If you are talking about a way to replace the old “Splash” pages, the current practice is to use a modal.
(also a poor thing to do IMHO, but hardly an uncommon thing)

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