How do I add a "breadcrumb trail"?


Would someone please tell me (or refer me to a site) how I add a breadcrumb trail to my webpages…I’ve searched google on this however none of the results actually explained how to do it.

Thanks in advance!

Here is an example for php. I’ve not tried it so can’t speak for how good and/or reliable it is.

I am not using any programming languages, I am using html.

If your not using any content management system then you will have to manually add the crumb trail to each page.

You can use content management systems or ecommerce software for it.

Or you can add it manually to your pages.

I appreciate the replies. nut i need to know the code to insert into an html file.

Your code would just be composed of regular links. The only thing special about it is the way to want to organize it.

Below is a pretty simple example. You can add as many levels as you want. I usually follow the structure of the folders/directories in the site. If all of your pages are in the root (same level) you can still organize them based on your navigation, you just won’t have the same url structure as I gave in my example below.

Let’s say the page you are viewing is at the following url:

Breadcrumbs example:
Home > Products > Sub Category > Product One

<div id="breadcrumb">
<a href="/index.html">Home</a> > <a href="/products/">Products</a> > <a href="/products/sub-category/">Sub Category</a> > Product One

The last item is usually the name of the current page. Some sites choose to only list the “parent” pages in the breadcrumb and leave out the current page. If you do list the current page you don’t need to make it a link.

Tyrone79, how many pages does the site have and how often does the content of the pages change?

Space Phoenix,
50+ pages with minor updates (adding a product…pic & text) maybe twice a year…if that.

the link didn’t work for me…However your example did.
I was just overcomplicating things…I thought there was special code to insert breadcrumbs…Thanks!

The “link” was just supposed to show where the file might be located on your site. The forum added the http… trying to make it a real link. :rofl: I suppose I should have just left it at “/products/sub-category/product-one.html”

I’m glad it works for you, Tyrone. Always happy to help! :slight_smile: