How can I update many instances of a copyright notice at once?

Hello everyone.

I’m posting in this section of the forum as I don’t know what language I need to accomplish what I want to do.

I have a footer on my website that contains a copyright notice. The same copyright notice appears on every page but, as it’s a photography site, there’s going to be a lot of pages and I’m looking fo some way to update every copyright notice at the same time.

My initial thought was an image (with relevant ‘alt’ text) but that seems a little inelegant. Is there a script I can use, or a way of embedding a default footer text via CSS, so I only need to amend the copyright notice once for it to update across the whole site?

Thanks in advance.


Is the site written in PHP or .NET? Either of those will allow you to include a generic content block that would only need to be updated in one spot. Ruby may too, but experience with Ruby is zero.

It can also be implemented (not ideally) with JavaScript.

Whatever you do, don’t take the “image with alt text” route. :slight_smile:

It really depends on the language your site is written in, so if you could tell us what coding standard the site is written in, then we would be able to help you.

Is the copyright notice to be like:

©2011 <site_name_or_owner_here>


©2010-2011 <site_name_or_owner_here>

Is the footer a normal html file or is it generated by whatever server-side (which language) you’re using?

If it’s the former then you could

Could just remove the copyright notice all together. No longer an issue when the date changes.
Or just remove the year. No biggie.

Thanks for the replies. My apologies for not giving you more details.

The site is a very straightforward HTML/CSS construction, with a tiny bit of PHP on the contact page.

Although I’ve done a little work on the look and layout over the weekend, the underlying HTML code hasn’t been changed - you can look at the otiginal version here: Andy Grey Fine Art Photography - Home page



Not sure if you’re interested in converting all pages to PHP and updating the navigation…but if you did you would be able to use include files.

If the site is already php you can do something like this:

Site Copyright 2008 - <?php echo date(“Y”) ?>