This one is my first real SEO project and it has already made me go nuts. The problem is that the the niche i have is not so technical and neither do i expect much of the users searching for this online. I did deep down research but just couldnt find the right keyword. My competitors didnt have much keywords and pages either but they are ranking on the top just because they made their websites a long time ago.
Talking to my client, he’s suggesting some very technical keywords which i dont think my target users will be typing in search engines. This may sound silly but trust me, this is a fact i have to consider. Keyword research doesnt give me much hope. I took down all the keywords from my competitors and added a lot of new ones, but m still not satisfied. Any suggestions ??
My site is 3 months old and google has indexed all of the pages in my site. But the only keyword search it is showing on is when i search for the site’s name itself. There are many single paged website with much less keywords than me showing up in the search results. I dont think mine is listed at all as i have went as far as 20 pages deep in search results. Is this because site is too young or i need to do some more SEO ??