How can i add chat application like facebook in my social networking site?

how can i add chat application like facebook in my social networking site?

i need to add chat application in my project just like facebook chat

how can i create in

i am searching in googel for last 9 to 10 days but not getting any idea.

can anyone help me how can i start…

we can use ajax and jqurey with

please help me

thanks in advance


I had the same problem a while back, so I ended up writing my own custom solution. A bit of advice I can give you for how started is this.

  1. Get an only php or .net example to work from.
  2. All the samples you get, uses a database, forget about a database, it is way to slow for a web based chat.

The best would be to build a custom chat server that sends and receives all the messages, that way it can be used on any platform.

I ended up creating custom objects, ChatRoom, ChatUser, ChatMessage and stored these in a list in the Application variable of .net. But only store the past 50 msgs, to avaid the application var using to much memory. And I use jQuery for the interface.

Just remember, this is a very complex thing to build, so take your time and think about it and give it a go.

When you get stuck, come back here and post some code, which I can help out with.

The chatroom I built is more like mIRC, not facebook, as it is the typical, chatroom vibe with every1 chatting to each other.

Good luck

any other solution?

Other solution? Not that I know of, as all the examples I found where not great

i have found some code on net but that code for general all user chat

i need 1 to 1 person should chat when use online can anyone give me sample source code…

please help me

i have devlop some code for Chat and it work fine in local but when i upload on my server that will not work
i have devlop using WCF ASP.NET 2008 so need any setting in iis 7 for wcf ?

so what type seting i need in IIS 7?

What is the error you are getting?

its run on local but not run in server…

like i type some message click on send then in lovcal i see the mesege in text box but when i upload in server then the mesege which i type and click on send button i cannot see the message

must be some IIS setting

Use firefox. Then install a plugin called Firefox. The browse to your site live. Press F12 to open the firefox console. Make sure you enable it.

Then type the message and hit send again, you will then see the ajax request being made, you will be able to see the Status, 200, 500, etc. As well as the parameters sent and the actual response itself, which would be the error that you are probably getting.

I hope this helps

its not error in code bcox sample code is also working in lcoal aand not working in live …must be some seting IIS

what you think?

is there any port setting needed on server for chat application?

if yes then how ?

There could be any number of problems. There should be no special settings in IIS. If it is not working, there must be an error, so do what I said above to find out what the error is

no coding problem bcoz i have download sample from internet and same heepen with that sample working fine local not working on net

facebook chat uses an open source protocol.Its jabbar.

what is that?

can anyone give me proper link ?

how can i integrate with

Well, something is not working. Be it a IIS setting or watever. So something must be wrong. Do what I said to figure that out. No one can tell you what is missing if you do not give the error

finally i have found the proper way but i cannot configar this in local

see this i hope now you all help to configure in local masin

also can you tell me is this working with IIS ?

i need to install webbase chat in my aaplicetion

i have finded solution but cannot able to run in my server

anyone can guide me how to run on my local pc or server?

i try this code

bu not working on live server

working in local mashin fine

can anyone can help me what change i need to done for that

We really need to know this so we can try to help.

I mean, would it help you if I said “I tried it and it worked great”.

To Mittineague,

try this code

on local and live so you get the idea what is the error

please help