How can i add a div which swaps its href with the image src

my page…

i am trying to have a “full size” link which when clicked will open a lightbox window

<img src=“” height=“75px"alt=“Title #14” />
<a rel=“lightbox-cats” class=“group1” title=”" onclick=“return false;” href=“”>
<div class=“download”>
Full Size

my problem is figuring out how to make a div which will swap its href in sync with the image.
here is the javascript

<script type=“text/javascript”>
var RotateImg =

init: function()
    if (!document.getElementById) return;
    RotateImg.bigImg = document.getElementById("a0");
    RotateImg.prev = document.getElementById("arrowleft"); = document.getElementById("arrowright");
    RotateImg.pointer = 1;
    RotateImg.myImage = document.getElementById("thumbnails").getElementsByTagName('img');
    RotateImg.myCaption = document.getElementById("caption");

    for (var i=0, ii = RotateImg.myImage.length; i &lt; ii; i++)
            RotateImg.myImage[i].onclick = RotateImg.clickHandler;

    RotateImg.prev.onclick = function()
        if (RotateImg.pointer &gt; 1 && RotateImg.pointer &lt; RotateImg.myImage.length+1)
                    RotateImg.pointer -= 1;
                    return false;
    } = function() {
            if (RotateImg.pointer &gt; 0 && RotateImg.pointer &lt; RotateImg.myImage.length)
                    RotateImg.pointer += 1;
                    return false;

swapImg : function()
    var el = "img" + RotateImg.pointer;
    var swap = document.getElementById(el);
    RotateImg.bigImg.src =     swap.src;
    if (swap.getAttribute('alt'))
            RotateImg.myCaption.innerHTML = swap.alt;
            RotateImg.myCaption.innerHTML = "No Caption available";

    clickHandler: function()
        RotateImg.bigImg.src = this.src;
        var num =;
        num = (num.substring(3));
        RotateImg.pointer = parseInt(num,10);
        return false;




here is my brilliant 2 cents… swapDiv.myDownload but this ofcourse doesnt work

any kind souls willing to show me how to add this extra “full size” div

the following is a page with the “full size” link behavior im talking about. this is just to illustrate the “full size” div behavior. the two pages are using different scripts.