Hide & show code not working on IE8


I’ve just tested my revised index page on IE8 and the new code for hide & show is not working, at least on my old computer.

Is there a way round this, please?

Thank you

IE8 does not support :target.

So unless you want some Javascript-based approach, no :slight_smile: .

Hi Ryan

So, I have to think of displaying the text in ANOTHER page. Can it be done through a conditional redirect?

You can use IE conditional comments and just hide the text in the page.

If IE8 and down view the page, they will use the comment as regular code.

All others will treat it as a comment. I guess you can do that


Perhaps do…

<!--[if lte IE 8]>
Put whatever here because IE8 will use it.

If you really wanted a second page, you could put a meta redirect there.

Plenty to think about!

I have THREE hide & show texts. New pages would have to be 3 , I guess.

Do I understand that the conditional that you mentioned could be inserted in the <body> ?

Anywhere you like.

Having had a few moms to think about it, I guess wghat I need is a redirect when the visitor presses “Read more” that would send him to the text1.html. text2.html. text3.html

How could I make the “Read more” button detect IE8 and do the conditional?


I suppose all I have to is to place the conditional BEFORE the present code for the button

<!--[if lte IE 8]>
<a href="text1.html">

but how would it ignore the following code?


I think I can sort it out. Thre is nothing like trying!



I’m getting tired and making even less sense than usual!


Thank you Ryan

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