Help with JavaScript: Novice To Ninja example

Novice here. Working through JavaScript: Novice to Ninja and in Chapter 7 I’m in the Quiz Ninja Project. It has me adding the following to scripts.js:

// Event listeners
$start.addEventListener(‘click’, function() { play(quiz) } , false);

With all the other changes the console (Chrome) keeps reporting:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addEventListener’ of null

I’ve even gotten the code off of and it gets the same error.

Thanks in advance for any assist.

Hi dlbannerman, welcome to the forum

The $start variable is assigned
var $start = document.getElementById("start");
and “start” is from index.htm

  <button id="start">Click to Start</button>
  <script src="js/scripts.js"></script>

if your index.htm file looks like that, try moving the script tag before the closing body tag like so

  <button id="start">Click to Start</button>
  <script src="js/scripts.js"></script>

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