Help with improving PageSpeed Insights results

I need some assistance to help improve my pagespeed insights results which have been a challenge to do for awhile to improve even with the help of AI for finding solutions . I will post the results i get at each page of the website .

Home -

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Contact -

I mean… which of the blatant “You should do this” statements in the results are you having trouble with?

I would say all of them pretty much

So… I dont think people are going to be able to give you much better advice for stuff like “Reduced unused CSS” than… reduce the unused CSS. The insights are already giving you one-sentence “do this” statements, so it’s gonna be hard to narrow those ones down…

What have you tried already?

I tried to change the images format , make them with lazy loading atributes , the CSS reduced you see are from CDN links which i cant reduce what its not being used. Same thing for the files in the eliminate render blocking resources .

Still needing help with this please

To eat an elephant you have to eat it bit by bit.

1.What is most important for you?
2. What does say about this?
3. If it is several things. Which is the biggest saving/problem?

Give us one single problem to start with…

You just have to click in the images i posted below , they are screenshots of the pagespeed results i got from each individual page of the website.
For starting i would like to solve the largest content paintful issue

So follow the “learn more about the” link and see what it says.

Or do some searching and see what they suggest - found this link pretty quick, and it spells out all the things to look out for: Improve Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) On Your Website With Ease | CSS-Tricks

I cannot read these small letters.
LCP means that you may have to fix all the others first. What is the first on the pagespeed list?

I think i did all of those except for the CDN which i didnt knew how to do and the options with server side

You just need to click 2 times on the image and it will appear in real size , atleast on my end it works if i click 2 times .

I see it now. But how is this site built? Which stack or framework/CMS?

How big is the image that is rendered into view?
I would resize that down first.
Next, I would not lazy load that image because you need it asap into view.
I would also express perplexities around the timing function of the carousel that continuously shifts view layouts. Does your average user need a carousel animation immediately when the page loads?
Last, I would review the CDN performance for critical assets you immediately need and shift some of those assets locally to save on network latency.

Let me post the link of the website , its easier to answer those questions - https://zedacalmacalç

No, it does not answer my question, just creating many other questions. It can only guess that it is not built using Wordpress.

What I can see is that there is a bunch of files that is downloaded from the internet. (CDN links etc). This may slow down the site. You can download fonts, scripts etc to your own server in order reduce the traffic for each file downloaded.

Normally this will increase the speed.

Another way to search for the cause is to comment out javascript and similar assets to see what specifically is slowing down your site. I have found no shortcuts for solving problems yet. Just eat it bit by bit. Boring,

I used boostrap for the website