Help with an array


Pretty new to .php and am really struggling getting my head around splitting this array up to do what I want…:confused:

My array is from the URL here is an example

the array I get is something like


Where the first 6 numbers prior to the : are products and the numbers after the: are quantities.

Below is the code I have for adding these


//  echo $products;
  $ids = explode(",", $products);

  if (is_array($ids)) {

  foreach ($ids as $id){
        $cart->add_cart($id, $cart->get_quantity((int)$id)+1);



I want to split the array and have the quantities in the part where at the moment the code is “+1”

I cannot get any attempts to work and any help would be very greatly appreciated.



You’d be better off splitting by the colon first, then by comma:

list($ids, $quantities) = explode(':', $products);
$ids = explode(',', $ids);
$quantities = explode(',' $quantities);
foreach ($ids as $key -> $value) {
  $cart->add_cart($value, $cart->get_quantity((int)$id) + $quantities[$key]);

No need to do is_array, as explode will certainly return an array.


Thank you. That is pretty much what I have been trying to do.

It is spitting out this error now

Warning: Illegal offset type in /homepages/2/d313747421/htdocs/buy_now.php on line 10



// echo $products;
list($ids, $quantity) = explode(‘:’, $products);
$ids = explode(‘,’, $ids);
$quantity = explode(‘,’, $quantity);

foreach ($ids as $key -> $value)
{ $cart->add_cart($value, $cart->get_quantity((int)$id) + $quantity[$key]);


Array s and object s can not be used as keys. Doing so will result in a warning: Illegal offset type.

Is there a way round this?

any help would be amazing…

foreach ($ids as $key => $value)


That is fantastic thank you very much.



Whoops. Thanks hash. :slight_smile: