I am a new student to web design and i wanted to know if it was possible to have a java script that wont let you click a particular hyperlink until you click on 3 other ones first. In other words i wanted to make a image map with 4 buttons and 3 of them would need to be clicked on first then the final button could be clicked. I dunno if it is possible but i cant find anything over the internet to do this?? Please and Thank You for any help.
You could record if particular buttons are clicked using JavaScript, here is some pseudocode to get you on your way
I am assuming:
- You have 4 links, each with an id (link1, link2, link3, link4)
linksClicked = array()
link1.onclick = function() { linksClicked[1] = true }
link2.onclick = function() { linksClicked[2] = true }
link3.onclick = function() { linksClicked[3] = true }
link4.onclick = function() {
if (linksClicked[1] == true &&
linksClicked[2] == true &&
linksClicked[3] == true )
//do something (e.g. window.location = '/path/to/some/html/file.html')
This is pretty rudimentary, but should get you on your way
<title>Clicking one or more links or map areas enables a link</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name='keywords' content='javascript, click, enable, link'>
<meta name="description" content="Javascript to enable a link only after the click of one or more other links">
<style type='text/css'>
<a href='#' id='trig1'>Click Me</a> <a href='#' id='trig2'>And Me</a> <a href='#' id='trig3'>And Me</a> <a href='http://youtube.com' id='lnk1'>Then I will work</a>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function linksEnableLink()
var params = linksEnableLink.arguments;
function init( args )
this.elems = [];
for( var i = 1, lnk, that = this, el = this.elems; i < args.length; i++ )
if( !( lnk = document.getElementById( args[ i ] ) ) )
alert( 'Element ' + args[ i ] + ' not rendered at this point.' );
el.push( lnk );
if( i === 1 )
el[ i - 1 ].defHref = args[ 0 ];
el[ i - 1 ].href = '';
el[ i - 1 ].onclick = function(){ this.wasClicked = true; that.clickedCheck(); return false;}
this.clickedCheck = function()
for( var i = 1, e = this.elems, len = e.length; i < len && e[ i ].wasClicked; i++ )
if( i == len )
e[ 0 ].href = e[ 0 ].defHref;
new init( params );
linksEnableLink( 'http://youtube.com', 'lnk1', 'trig1', 'trig2', 'trig3' );
I am assuming clicking each of the other 3 hotspots on your image map does not take you away from the currrent page and just runs some javascript on this page.
Here I am using 4 links as an example (only 3 are visible initially) and the 4th becomes visible when all of the 3 other links have been clicked at least once.
You can easily adapt this to an image map.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<style type="text/css">
#lnk3 {
visibility: hidden}
<script type="text/javascript">
var disabled_linkId = 'lnk3';
window.onload=function() {
// get the link objects
linksO = document.getElementById('links_container').getElementsByTagName('a');
//set the clicked flag for each link to false
for(var i=0; i < linksO.length; i++) {
linksO[i].clicked = false;
function setClicked(elemId) {
linksO[elemId.split('lnk')[1]].clicked = true; //set the clicked flag for this link to true
//check if all 3 links have been clicked
var allLinksClicked = true;
for(var i=0; i < linksO.length; i++) {
if(!linksO[i].clicked && linksO[i].id != disabled_linkId) {
allLinksClicked = false;
i = linksO.length;
//show the 4th link if the other links have all been clicked
if(allLinksClicked) {
document.getElementById(disabled_linkId).style.visibility = 'visible';
<div id="links_container">
<a id="lnk0" href="#" onclick="setClicked(this.id); return false">Link 1</a>
<a id="lnk1" href="#" onclick="setClicked(this.id); return false">Link 2</a>
<a id="lnk2" href="#" onclick="setClicked(this.id); return false">Link 3</a>
<a id="lnk3" href="[http://somewhere.com">Link](http://somewhere.com%22%3elink/) 4</a>
Logi Ali thank you so much, i had to mod the code a little because i wanted image mapp links, but works great, Is there any way to add more ‘trig’, i noticed there was 'trig’2 'trig’3 can i add more? i tried adding it to the bottom (linksEnableLink( ‘http://youtube.com’, ‘lnk1’, ‘trig1’, ‘trig2’, ‘trig3’); ) but that wouldnt work, im sorry i have no prior experiance with this i was just experimenting with it.
I don’t know why you had to modify anything - the code works with links and/or map areas, which I presume is what you mean.
If you want to add more enabling links just give them suitable IDs and add them as further parameters:
linksEnableLink( 'http://youtube.com', 'lnk1', 'trig1', 'trig2', 'trig3', [B]'trig4', 'trig5'[/B] );
You can even set-up multiple independent link groups by making a separate call to linksEnableLink().
The parameter usage is:
linksEnableLink(“URL of disabled link”, “ID of disabled link”, “ID of an enabling link” [, IDs of further enabling links] );
If you can’t get it working, post your URL.
Thanxs its working great your the best!