Help me some problem

I have problem with my code by AS3. Who have code about MP3 Player by as3? Please shared me. My english is not very good. Thanks!

check this code for the AS3 for simple Mp3 player

// First we define a variable of type URLRequest and attach our mp3 file.
var soundRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“JeffWofford_Trouble.mp3”);

// Then we make a new sound instance and naming it sound_
var sound_:Sound = new Sound();

// Also a sound control to control and adjust later on.
var soundControl:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();

// last variable is a soundtransform instance, this is to control the volume up and down function. (and we set them to 1,1 thats the right and left speakers).
var transform1:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(1, 1);

// now we attach the sound file to the sound_ instance we made before.

// here is four eventlisteners, the control all our buttons, and “listen” and calls functions if the buttons are clicked.
playButton_.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound);
stopButton_.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopSound);
soundUp_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundUp);
soundDown_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, soundDown);

// This is the function to control the play button, only thing happening is that we attach the soundcontrol to the sound and calls its play method.
function playSound(event:MouseEvent):void
soundControl =;

//the stop function also uses the coundControl to stop the mp3 file from playing.
function stopSound(event:MouseEvent):void

//Now this is a bit more tricky (not much but more then just stop and play).
//At the top of our code we declared a soundtranform named transform1
//this is a value, and by saying ++ we add one to the original volume number then attach it to the soundcontrol.soundTransform
function soundUp(event:MouseEvent):void
transform1.volume += .1;
soundControl.soundTransform = transform1;

//this is the same as above, we just use – to subtract from the volume number.
function soundDown(event:MouseEvent):void
transform1.volume -= .1;
soundControl.soundTransform = transform1;

ok, thank you. can you show me how to get total times of MP3 player? I try calculated by this code:
var mySound:Sound= new Sound();
var sl:Number;
//calculate the total number of minutes
function LoadComplete(e:Event):void
var a:Number;
var b:Numer;
a= Math.round((sl/1000)%60);
b= Math.round((sl/1000)/60);
//time when play Mp3 file
var R:Number;
var Q:Number;
Q= ((myChannel.position/1000)/60);
my problem is :Although playing file Mp3 complete but (a) not equal(R) and (b) not equal(Q).
Can anyone help me. Thanks !