Help me in getting the foundation of the website in wordpress

I wish to build the site on Wordpress like the ones, or Where should I get started? Or simply I build in html/javascript to make the site which generates strong passwords and check password’s strength

Not sure why you’d need WordPress for what amounts to a single page website.

You’ll probably want to invest more of your time into figuring out how you’re going to generate those strong passwords.

I wonder why you would want to create such a site at all. Most browsers nowadays have a strong-password generator built-in, which automatically kicks in when a password must be created on a site.

Also, the urgent advice from all security advisors is to use a password manager (PM), to be able to have a different password for each site/program. Such PM apps all have a strong-password generator built-in as well.

You should start with the requirements of the html/javascript plugin that generates strong passwords and checks password strength. Then you will know in which direction you should go. It should be enough to have a simple html site or a site using a database.