Header image stops scroll down iphone and ipad

The header image in the site below is all good, except when I view the site on a mobile or ipad for example, when I attempt to scroll down the page and get to the image it doesn’t allow me to continue the scroll down the page using the image, I have to scroll before and after it to scroll down the page.

<div class="item">
<div class="s-12 center">
<div id="headerL"><img src="img/nt-boxed2.jpg" alt="Large" class="swapimg visible-desktop"><img src="img/nt-boxed2-Small.jpg" alt="small" class="swapimg visible-mobile"><img src="img/nt-boxed2-Small-Tab.jpg" alt="Medium" class="swapimg visible-tablet"></div>

dev site


Try upgrading to the current version as it seems the issue is mentioned here.

The demo on the site doesn’t suffer from the scrolling issue.

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Genius, thank you Paul

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