Hand gesture CAPTCHA

Same URL? http://gestcha.com/ ?

What all did you tweak? The hands seem computer-generated now. What software did you use to make new hands?


URL still the same. Background is white now - it makes the whole thing much more comprehensible. But a lot of significant modifications where made: much carefully elaborated model, shaders, lights, realistic shadows, even some kind of ambient occlusion (if you know what I mean) was applied. Several people noticed these improvements and approved efficiency by much better test results. So, if it looks like CGI now - this is not much of a problem - if it helps people in recognition. But if you were right - it’s a little bit strange for me. I’ve made my best to make it look photographically realistic. Anyway, the engine, as everything else completely mine - only clear VS and OpenCL/OpenGL APIs were used.

First off, I don’t want to sound over-negative, I like the thought you put into this and it’s a creative attempt. The problem as a whole is that CAPTCHAs are flawed in general as they always make assumptions as to end user abilities.

The bottom line is, as illustrated by Karl Groves article (seen above), the burden of blocking spammers should not be placed on the user but the site admin. It’s an unfortunate reality of owning property on the Interwebz.

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