h2 inside <li>


Like felgall and TechnoBear warned me above, the “tooltips” don’t work with touch screens. It goes directly into whatever link is in the code. That defeats the whole purpose of the page. If I have to write a new page for each country, in this Accor webpage alone I have 92. And then I have more than a dozen other pages. I could see myself with an extra 1000 pages and a lot of work updating them! And the current script would be unnecessary,

You mentioned :focus. I have not used it before and so far have been unable to get it to work as you can see in my last few posts. Until I find a way of solving the touch screen issue there is no point in going on with the page. The other matter of keyboard users is not a problem inasmuch as I can always leave a prominent message telling them about it.

If you could help me setting up the :focus, if it might solve the problem, I would be very grateful

The latest page is here http://pintotours.net/TEMP/TOOL/Accor.html

One of my attempts at coding the :focus is commented out in the <head> of the html along with the rest of the tooltips css code. It causes serious problems to the page and therefore is definitely wrong. Mayve I shouls have deleted something else.
