Google Apps Email Hosting

Hi everyone,
2 questions I am hoping to have resolved:

I have an email address that I am currently using for business. For example reasons (and for reasons of spam) I am going to call it: “

I have purchased and own the @“” domain name, and I have set up my email using Google Apps a few years back when it was still a free service. The thing about Google Apps is that you also need to have a Gmail address, so luckily I already had one that I was using. The challenge that I am faced with is that a client is telling me that she is getting my email through Microsoft Outlook and it will say something like” on behalf of “
as the sender.

Why is it showing my Gmail address, even though I am sending from my business email? I am happy with Google Apps and appreciate the fact that I can browse my business email through Gmail. It is a good interface for checking email online. However, is there any way to have my email address just show up as my business email rather than having the extra Gmail info about me as the sender?

I am also using my iPhone for checking email and it won’t let me send from my business email address, it only lets me send from my Gmail address. I can receive from both but I can’t send from my business email. Does anybody know of a fix for this too?


I was looking into Google Apps for my clients last month but didn’t get too far. I did set up a test account and was able to send email from my domain. There are some settings in the email app where you can set who the mail is coming from. I believe you can get rid of the entirely and only display your domain.

As far as the email on your phone, I didn’t test that out. I assume for the paid accounts that is available but someone who is using it can comment on that.

Did they totally eliminate the free account? It appears so.

In both cases I’d suspect it’s an error in how you’ve set it up, as I use google apps emails for lots of domains for both myself and clients and haven’t ever seen these issues. When it comes to setting up your email client on the desktop, or the mail app on iphone the gmail address is unnecessary and shouldn’t be used anywhere in setting up an account.

Yes, probably an issue with your setup. The Gmail app (for iPhone at least) now allows you to have multiple accounts set up, so you can use it to switch from your regular gmal account to your apps account in a single click, which is great.

I recently posted on setting up Apps, partly as a reference for clients (one used it just yesterday), so perhaps run through that to see how I set up my Apps account:

There is no longer a free version of Apps, unfortunately.