Good Preg Match Standards?


I have been using the following preg match to ensure only correct email addresses are used. However it allows name@company to be entered.

Are there solid and reliable preg matches which should be used for email and standard data input such as name and company name.

How can I prevent someone from injecting code into the DB?

  if(preg_match("/[a-zA-Z0-9-.+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z]+/", $emailaddress) == 0 && !$error) {
        $error = "The email you entered is not valid.";

Instead of using preg_match, check out the first example on filter_var on this page

Thanks, I have seend that but I dont understand it. I cant see what it does or how to use it.

What code should I use for proper emails and to stop code injection.

So the first example has

var_dump(filter_var('', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL));

So you can use

$emailAddress = filter_var($_POST['emailaddress'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
if (!$emailAddress)
  $error = 'Invalid E-mail Address';

It will validate and ensure only valid characters are used for an e-mail address. You can then use PDO (prepared statements) or mysql_real_escape_string to ensure a sql injection isn’t still possible.

Brilliant thanks that worked perfectly.

This is all the code I have complete for email insertion. I have the mysql_real_escape_string on the email post. Is there anything else I need to add to make it safe.

Is pregmatch outdated, are there any special characters I should reject?

  $emailaddress = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['emailaddress']));

 if((!isset($emailaddress) || empty($emailaddress)) && !$error) {
        $error = "You need to enter an email.";

    $query = mysql_query("SELECT userid FROM organisermembers WHERE emailaddress = '".$emailaddress."' LIMIT 1");
    if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0 && !$error) {
        $error = "Sorry, that email is already in use!";
$emailAddress = filter_var($_POST['emailaddress'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
if (!$emailAddress)
  $error = 'Please enter your email address in a valid format.  Example:';

No, that is the purpose of mysql_real_escape_string to handle those situations.

No, preg_match isn’t outdated, PHP is just adding helper functions for the most common scenarios in the recent versions of PHP. The filter_var for email validation handles all special characters for you.

You should really move the last validation you have for e-mail address above your check to see if the e-mail is already in use, so you are not querying on an email address that isn’t in a valid format.


I have made the final change. Is their a filter for standard text. So if asked for someones name they cannot inject code.

Should I use FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP for that?

Yes you could do that. You should still use mysql_real_escape_string as apostrophes are still usually allowed for last names such as O’Brien, etc.

Off Topic:

Apparently, this is the regular expression used by PHP for e-mail addresses:



Off Topic:

Fun fact: While trying to submit this, I kept getting an error message, saying that I’m not allowed to have 27 images in a post!
