Good content in a nutshell

what works for me is writing on the topic that I’m familiar with. But, of course, I don’t want to stagnate, so I also want to write articles outside my comfort zone, as long as it won’t go beyond my philosophies.

When writing for my clients I take the subject and think about what I would like to know if I were searching online for it. What does it do, or what can it do for me? Does it solve a problem, or make something easier for me. I find that people are usually searching the web for answers to problems, or to learn “how to”. Think about what your subject it and go from there. :):slight_smile:

I’ve written well over 200 salesletters and the ‘infomercial’ mindset is a good one. Another good one is to REALLY get into the head, body, psyche, habits, mentality, etc. of the person that you are writing for, create a persona around what you have envisioned, and then write the salesletter as that person. It creates an out-of-body-copywriting experience. Sounds whacky, I know. But it works for me. :slight_smile:

Well, Jayson, I have never heard of that, however, it might be fun! lol