I have a question on php/site management. Basically, I’m going to be developing a site which has “satellite sites” associate with it. In other words, they’ll have their own html, but will all follow the same processes as generated by my scripts. If I just do this for a page that’s on my own server, then I know that I can use something like:
to grab the required file from my own server. With this in mind, I have two questions.
- Can I grab the file from another server assuming that they have PHP installed? For example:
- Even if I can do this from another server, would it make more sense to house everything under one domain name with subfolders representing the “satellite sites”?
Basically, I’m hoping to keep my processes close to home, but let the “satellite sites” fiddle around with the html on a given page (so in essence they use my php scripts, but their own html).
Hopefully this is a clear question. And, since the way I set things up to start could have a major impact down the line (“satellite sites” that call to my server vs. everything under one server), any additional thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,